
You would end up falling in love with them

By 5th November 2020 July 7th, 2021 4 Comments

I truly believe that if you were to invisibly follow someone around for a day, you would end up falling in love with them. No matter how bitter or distasteful a person may seem when they present themselves to you, every person has those innocently beautiful features they keep hidden from everyone else. When they hum the words of that song stuck in their head while they cook; or when they linger in front of the mirror for just a moment longer than usual, either out of insecurity or a newfound presence of confidence; or when they excitedly flick the pages of their book as though nothing could be more important in that moment; or when they quickly scribble down the idea they just had so as not to forget it; or when they smile at their pet in the hopes that the animal might understand how much joy they bring to the person. The list could go on for so much longer, filled with the absent-mindedly adorable actions of people who know they are alone.
There is so much hate in our world, but if we try that little bit harder to notice the smaller parts of someone’s identity, we can easily grow to appreciate and love one another.