I recently decided to start romanticising life a little more in the hopes of finding more happiness and excitement from everything. As a result of this, I had a strangely beautiful night last night. So here is an account of last night from a third person perspective.
She carefully lifted the tone arm of the record player and neatly placed it on the edge of the vinyl record her grandma had given to her from back when she was young. The crackly music slowly rose to life. The girl quickly adjusted the volume so it wouldn’t disrupt her family, considering it was around 2am at the time. She took a step back from the record player and allowed herself to feel the music coursing through her body. Wandering over to her open window, she smiled as she noticed her thin curtains dancing in the breeze. Placing her hands on her windowsill, she looked up and had a full view of the shining crescent moon.
Behind her, the music grew more upbeat as the song reached the chorus. Her smile widened as she moved away from the window and into the centre of the room and started dancing. Her simple black dress swung loosely around her as she twirled in circles and jumped around with her hands above her head, thankful that her room was on the ground floor so nobody would be disrupted by her footsteps. It felt as though she had become one with her surroundings; there was nothing separating her from the vibrations of the music or the glow of the moon. It was all a part of her. Until the end of the song, when the vinyl record slowed to a stop. She collapsed onto her bed with a tired sigh but the smile on her face had not faltered. Staring at her ceiling, recognising her happiness, she fell asleep within minutes, not caring at all that she was still in her day clothes or that the record player was still on.
Those were problems the girl would face in a few hours.