
A very long list of things to stay alive for

By 19th November 2020 July 7th, 2021 No Comments

Flowers blooming
Your parents’ smiles
The smell of rain
Long hugs after not seeing someone for a long time
Wandering around bookshops alone
Dancing in your bedroom at ungodly hours of the morning
Seeing jellyfish
Wildflower valleys
Those songs that give you that fulfilling feeling in your stomach, you know the one
Learning new recipes
Visits to the beach
Watching the clouds on long car rides
Your sibling’s laugh
Turning up the volume for your favourite song
Warm cups of tea
Giving people gifts you genuinely think they’ll appreciate
Making playlists
Those really colourful sunsets
Late night drives with the people you love
Visibly seeing someone’s face light up
Comfortable silence
Full moons
Laughing until your belly hurts
Bonfires with friends and family
Finding new music
Seeing your favourite musicians live
Dancing in the rain
Listening to thunderstorms
The saxophone solos in jazz music
Early morning when the whole world isn’t really awake yet
Due on the grass in winter
Compliments from strangers
Exploring new cities
Stepping on crunchy leaves
Using glow sticks with your friends
When the moon is visible during the day
Learning about Greek mythology
Pressed flowers
Falling asleep to the sound of rain outside your window
Warm showers on a cold day
Feeling the sun’s warmth on your eyelids
Car boot sales
The atmosphere of airports
Hot chocolates
Flowers growing between the cracks of the pavement
Your pet falling asleep beside you in bed
Carving pumpkins
When someone’s pet approaches you and the owner says that they aren’t that friendly with everyone
Fruit picking
The smell of freshly-cut grass
Really good books
Warm winter clothing
Getting exciting letters in the mail
The sound of an ice cream truck
Standing in the pouring rain
Forehead kisses
Waking up on Christmas morning
The funky decorations everywhere around Christmas time
Someone enjoying the music you recommend
Finishing things long before the deadline
Freshly baked cookies
Good dreams
The smell of a new book
Finding small change on the ground
People telling you you’re good at what you enjoy doing